
Investment Essentials
Your Complete Investing 101 Course, from the concepts and terms you need to know to the disciplines, habits, and expectations you ought to have.
Live a more informed and engaged financial life with the language, the mentality, and the tools you need for active, healthy investing.
The Enriched Life
Those who learn the essentials of investing can enrich their lives with more opportunities to be creative, generous, and strategic.
The Essentials
The terms, concepts, principles, and truths that every investor needs to know
The Exercises
The practice of investing: what to look for and how to move forward
The Expectations
The new habits that make investing a chance to enrich your life
More opportunities to live, create, and give.
Start seeing yourself as an investor with Objective Measure’s Investment Essentials Course. Investing is not something reserved for financial professionals or for the financially established. With the Investment Essentials Course, you get an understanding of how investing works along with the framework and tools for making it possible for you.
Who is Objective Measure?
We are a nonprofit dedicated to empowering and inspiring people so that they have the confidence to make good choices about their investments. We simplify investing by teaching you a few essential concepts. The Investment Essentials Course allows you to utilize these concepts to evaluate your current investments. We don’t recommend investments, financial products, or investment professionals. We are here to teach you about investing so you can decide what works for you.
Investment Essentials
What You’ll Learn
Identify the values and standards that will help you set and meet your personal financial goals.
The Goal of Investing
By clarifying the overarching purpose of investing and focusing on specific and reasonable goals you have for your own financial future, you can establish a new trajectory for your life. Setting goals, managing expectations, and building the right disciplines and habits makes your long-term financial vision attainable.
The Building Blocks of Investing
Objective Measure’s Investment Essentials Course defines the terms and often-misunderstood principles of investing, with easy-to-follow videos, fun and simple exercises, and relevant examples that explain important elements like margin of safety, compound interest, asset mix, and more.
Recognize and understand the killer mistakes of investing and identify performance indicators and how to determine whether your asset mix, your investments – and your advisor – are right for you.
The Path Toward Healthy Investing
By identifying the pitfalls that trip up many investors and by learning to assess where you are and where you should expect to be, you can establish a path forward that you may not have thought possible. It doesn’t take a career in finance to be a competent investor.
Your Path Forward in Investing
From the steps you’ll take next to the foundation you’ll lay for your children and grandchildren, a stronger, healthier relationship with money through investing is within reach. You have access to an enriched life where the mystery surrounding investing is replaced with a clear vision for where you’re going and a healthy, informed approach to how you can get there.
Investing doesn’t need to be confusing or complex.
A proper understanding of investing will help you discover why it matters, how it can be a practical part of your life, and what you should expect from it.
Want to Learn More?
ObjectiveMeasure.org exists to remove the mystery and intimidation surrounding investing so that people can enter into a healthy relationship with money and find new, creative ways to enrich their lives.